Lynx rufus
One of the benefits of winter photography in Yellowstone is that there are significantly fewer tourists. Access to the high park is only possible by tracked vehicles. I was in a 1952 snow coach, built by Bombardier. The V8 engine was probably not original – it had no suspension to speak of, four people and the camera gear was a bit of a tight squeeze! But an essential means of transportation, however. A keen-eyed driver spotted a bobcat on the far bank of the Yellowstone river. I waded waist-deep in snow as close to the bank as possible and hunkered down in the snow. The bobcat had its eye on some harlequin ducks swimming upstream towards it. For three hours I waited as the harlequins got closer and closer…only 25 metres to go! At that point some American tourists arrived on snowmobiles – very keen to know what was happening. That spooked the ducks and that was the end of that! Three hours wasted!